Are you Ready yet?
Are you ready yet?…. Here is some real talk for you……You say you want to change, yet you're not willing to do what you need to do, to make those changes a reality. I know you don't find it enjoyable making the same goals year after year. I know it must be frustrating to hear yourself complaining about something you have total control over. If you've told yourself, numerous times – "I want to get in shape." "I'm sick of being fat" "I don't feel good in my body" "I wish I weren't out of breath walking up stairs" "I'm going to start exercising" "I should eat better", "Why can't I lose weight", “I want to change this/that about my body”, “my stomach is so flabby”, etc. then why not try to look at why you're not reaching your goal? What are your limiting factors? What is standing in your way? I'm going to just tell it to you straight – choose to make it happen or don't. Make a commitment to yourself and do it, or stop talking about it already. I am confident that everyone can reach their goals – you just need to decide that you want it and stop with the excuses and the giving up. Stop with the "I deserve to treat myself" – you are, where you are because of excess "treating yourself". Stop with the "can'ts" and "no time" and start with the "I will" and "I will make time for this". Yes, it's hard. Yes, it requires effort. Yes, it means change. Yes, consistency is necessary. Yes, you need to find the motivation from within. And YES, it'll be worth it 100%.
I'm taking a stab in the dark here, but I believe your previous failures can be summed up into one of the following scenarios: 1) You were super motivated and made an exercise program and/or diet that was unsustainable. 2) You were on track, but results weren't as quick as you'd hoped and gave up. 3) You cheated or missed a workout and then decided since you messed up you might as well blow the rest of the day. 4) You did great, reached your goal, and then thought you could go back to your old ways and then gained it all back.
If you fell into one of these scenarios – let's try and address them and come with solutions so that you will not hit that road block again.
1) Balls out to ball-less You were super motivated. You hit your bottom and decided enough is enough. You told yourself that you would exercise for 1 hour every morning and you won’t eat breakfast, salads for lunch, and a shake for dinner. You did great the first week. Resisting cravings. Getting the workouts in. And then real life hits you…you attend a function and you are starving because of the low calorie diet you’ve given yourself. Your favorite food is served, you tell yourself, just one bite...then bam. You eat everything in sight, even though you really don’t like it. Or you’ve woke up early every morning before work and got in your cardio, you’re not a morning person but you are on a mission. Week one – you got this. Week two – it’s a bit boring and you hate mornings. Week 3 – you slept in late, it’s cold when you wake up, and decide to snooze….again and again, it’s okay – you’ll do it tomorrow – what’s one day….which leads to another and another and another.
Sustainable is the key word for this type. Unrealistic cardio and calorie consumption will lead you to failure. Start off small – you will still lose weight while simultaneously helping you to form this new habit. What is better? Balls out for 2 weeks and then quitting or slow, steady, and sustainable that will last? How about you start with 3 days this week and make this a habit before adding. (BTW you don’t need to start going 1 hour sessions right off the bat – we can talk about that later). In regards to your calories – message me and I will give you a realistic calorie allotment. (BTW going way below 1200 is not advisable – we can talk about that later too)
2) Impatiently weighting You’re following your program. Feel good. Weighing daily. Pounds/ounces lost in the first week. So exciting – this is all worth it. Week 2 day 1 – Yes, another pound. Week 2 day 2 – shucks it’s the same. Week 2 day 3 – Yes, half a pound. Week 2 day 4 – HOW DID I GAIN 2#S? Week 2 day 5 – weight is the same – this isn’t working. I’ll eat less. Week 2 day 6 – Still the same? I’m going to cry Week 2 day 7 - Lost 1 # yippee. Week 3 – same scenario with a little more ups/down….feeling frustrated. Week 4 – Gain of 3 – I’m done with this, it’s too hard!!!
Patience is the key word for this type.
Let’s logically look at this. You want to lose, let’s say 10#. Over how long of a time period did it take you to gain this weight? Let’s say you ate crazy for 3 months because you were stressed at work and gained the weight over this time period. Do you really expect to lose the weight in 1 week? 2? Don’t set yourself up for failure but continually basing your progress on that scale and unrealistic time frame. How about you get your ideal program in place – weigh in at the start, then maybe once a week on the same day/time. Scale weight fluctuates daily, with a lot of different factors. If you are sticking to your program you will get results. Hang in there.
3) I blew it - Fck it You are following your perfect program. Doing great. Not eating any junk food. It’s that time of the month, and you are craving chocolate but you are resisting. Next day – craving still. Missed lunch – busy with errands. Hungry, no food at home. Okay, a small bite of chocolate. Okay, another small one. Yummy, okay, the whole bar won’t hurt. What did I do??? I blew it. I’m going to order pizza tonight and eat the rest of the ice cream in the fridge so it won’t tempt me.
Balance is the key word for this type.
Restricting any food groups or depriving yourself of your favorite types of food, is not only unmaintainable but will ultimately set you up for a setback. I believe in flexible dieting – allowing yourself any type of food as long as it fits into your day/week. Life events, hurdles, parties, cravings, etc will undoubtedly occur – instead of not allowing these occasions, have a program that can accommodate life. Look into flexible dieting. Or make a plan where you allow yourself these “treats” one time a week. Instead of all or nothing (I’m pretty sure you have never been successful with this approach) try a more balanced program.
4) I did it! -- Oh $h!t, what did I do now? You reached your goal. So proud of yourself. Decided to stop monitoring your diet as much and workouts weren’t as important. Week 1 - Maintaining pretty good. Week 2 – gained 2 but that’s okay. Week 3 – gained another, but still close to goal. Will just not cheat as much. Week 4 – up 5# total but easy to lose. Fast forward to Week 8 – up 10#. Oh crap…..back to the beginning. What happened?
Maintenance is the key word for this group.
I’ve had clients that once reached their goals decided that they don’t need help anymore, they got it. The weight will creep up on you if you go back to your old ways. I advise to do a reverse dieting program (which again takes time and commitment) but if you think of this as a lifestyle vs a quick fix and dedicate the time, you can, and will get to a point where your calorie allotment is so high that there is no feeling of “restriction” – you have to actually make an effort to get all your calories in. How about when you are about to reach your goal – start implanting a reverse plan. Prepare yourself for the next phase in your journey. I’m not perfect either, I fall into many of these trap as well. I tell myself I will do a reverse and follow for a month and then go back to my older habits.
At times I also fall into the all or nothing. And often times need to talk to myself about not over utilizing cardio and also to not under eat. The most important key for all of us…Don’t give up. You haven’t failed unless you stop trying. All the other bumps in your road are just learning lessons. I encourage you to reach for your goals – you CAN do it.
Need help? Contact me. I offer online coaching – and very soon…….including monthly classes, onsite check-ins, and success programs (which is similar to my online coaching but also unlimited classes).